Lottery Scratchers Tips
- How To Pick Winning Scratch Off Tickets
- Arizona Lottery Scratchers Tips
- Best Lottery Scratch Off Strategies
- Odds Of Winning Scratch Off
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Today I want to talk about how to play a scratch-off. Andwhy you should play it the RIGHT WAY.
How To Pick Winning Scratch Off Tickets
- Sort the data table using the sortable headers. End of Game Info. Submit all non-winning tickets into 2nd Chance before the deadline to take advantage of your additional opportunity to win prizes.
- The combined total Top Six Prizes for all Scratch-Off games is $229,116,134. Note, Wins Remaining are updated when Lottery receives and/or processes claims submitted by players for each game. Note, Wins Remaining are updated when Lottery.
- Buy 10 in a row. My theory – if you are going to play these scratch-off games, you need to buy 10 in a row in order to increase your chances of winning. Remember, repeated losing tickets are a sign that you are going to come across that winner. STICK TO ONE SCRATCH-OFF.
- In the event of a discrepancy between the numbers posted on this website and the official winning numbers, the official winning numbers as certified by the Multi-State Lottery Association and/or the.
First up. Scratchers are NOT games of skill. You cannot winmore on them by being 'better at playing scratchers'.

This comes as a big surprise to some people.
And yes, this does apply to all scratch-off tickets. Even theones that 'seem' to have an element of skill. So it doesn'tmatter if it is a crossword, Monopoly, word search, pokeror whatever!
How do scratchers work?
Every ticket is either a 'win' or 'lose' the moment you buy it.It does not matter who plays it.

Now there may be some element of skill or knowledge inUNDERSTANDING if you have won (and yes, there are ways to work out what are the best scratch offs to buy). But you cannot loseby being bad at playing. And you cannot win more by beinggood at playing.
Hopefully that's clear :-)
Make sure you get the whole story - get all my free tips with how to win lottery scratch offs from here.
So technically you don't even need to know how to play scratch off tickets - or even play the game. Youcan just hand the ticket over to the assistant and ask themto scan it, and tell you if you've won.
But please do NOT do that!
That's not the best way. Play the game as it was meant to be played.
For 2 very good reasons.
[1] Would you normally hand a blank signed check over toa total stranger..? :-)
That ticket could be a jackpot winner. So blindly handingit over without having any idea what it's worth is not a goodidea.
Think this isn't a problem? Just have a read of some of thecomments on my blog post here. It is pretty shocking.
Of course, the vast majority of shop assistants are really nicehonest people. Who would just be happy for you that you won.But some are not. So why chance it?
Yes, you could (and should), put your name and sign the backof the ticket before handing it over... but...
[2] Part of the reason to play lottery games is the fun element.It's the buzz of finding out if you have won, and how much.
How do you win scratch off tickets? Firstly - one of the 'secrets' is to play it as it was meant to be played!
If you actually play the game instead of just scanning it, you get some real entertainment value foryour money. That way, even losing tickets are never really losers :-)
Why not go even further. Take your time playing it. Scratchjust one symbol at a time. See how close you are getting toa win before you scratch the next one.
If you buy multiple tickets in one go, don't play them all atonce. Spread them out over a day.
I know someone who spends a whole day playing a singleticket. She loves playing. And gets massive value out of herhobby - and when she wins on one (and she does win), what a massive BONUS!
Now that's how to play the scratch off lottery :-)
Arizona Lottery Scratchers Tips
What If I Don't Understand The Game?

This happens. Some games are quite complicated. There arelots of ways to win, different games within a ticket, or confusingwin conditions.
Best Lottery Scratch Off Strategies
Bottom line - if you don't understand it, either get the assistantto explain it to you fully before you scratch it. Or avoid thatticket in future, and only buy the ones you do fully understand.
Odds Of Winning Scratch Off
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