The Lottery System
- Identifying Hot, Cold, and Overdue Numbers. To use the hot, cold, overdue strategy, analyze the.
- Subforums: Lottery-Systems Program Requests, Sports Betting System/Program Requests, General System/Program Requests. 131 Topics 639 Posts Last post Re:jackpot-frequency-lexi-number.
- Free Lottery Systems That Work
- The Lottery System For Charter Schools
- The Wave Lottery System
- How To Beat The Lottery System
- How Did The Lottery System Work
11 hours ago Limited Number of Cubs Tickets Available Via Lottery System to Start 2021 Season, Team Says Priority access will be given to season-ticket holders, then single-game seats will be available via.
Our system increases your chances of winning Mega Millions or Powerball » It’s not rocket science, but a Great Idea! «
Finding the winning numbers for Powerball or Mega Millions is a problem that every player encounters.
Regardless of the lottery, finding the winning numbers is a very difficult undertaking, and chance is the sole master of the game! Just like anyone, you would like to find a technique, a method or a system to win the lotto!?
We have developed an excellent system !
It can be summed up in the following sentence : “Knowing the right combination ahead of time is impossible. But getting UP TO TWICE MORE CHANCE of picking the right numbers IS POSSIBLE!”
Actually, luck is unpredictable and giving you the right numbers is impossible (and would be cheating). But other aspects of the game do NOT depend on luck: the amount of numbers per grid, the number of numbers to pick etc. It’s these aspects that we took into consideration when developing our system! Conclusion: With THIS SYSTEM, you have as much AS DOUBLE MORE CHANCE of finding the winning numbers!!!
It’s not rocket science, but a Great Idea !
This System was originally designed for Euro Millions, and we’ve tailored it for each main national lottery, depending on the number of numbers per grid and to play. The main concept of the system is demonstrated, using New Powerball (69 balls) as exemple.
Winning the Jackpot will remain the exception, but the goal is elsewhere. Initially, it is the winnings with 4 or 5 numbers that are our Target ! A Win with 5 numbers for Powerball or Mega Millions is already $ 1 Million… !
The Jackpot would be a bonus!
Reminder: 99% of players never win more than 3 numbers and this throughout their lifetime !
Testimonies (Euro Millions)
First, our “Star Player” ,Jean-Luc, who won twice with 4 good numbers in 6 months
“ For the second time I have just won € 1600.30 in the lottery this Saturday, not beating my first record of € 1884.60 ! But I think that the jackpot is coming, and soon ! »
SALAH… Euro Millions January …7 648,90 €
Hi Pierre, Sometimes between a six and a seven there is a huge gap !
If I was there when the 6 and 7 were created, I would tell to put them in the same bag ! I would be probably been happy with a 6 … but the «balls » sent me a 7.
What to say when I opening my Fdj account this morning! One more and I would won !
Here is my payline of the day: Simple 7 – 29 – 30 – 38 – 45 start : 1 – 8
Sebastien…French LOTO September use the system one week …1 397,00 €
Good morning,
I joined you for a week, but I tried the system for the first time yesterday for the super lottery .It was amazing ! 4 good numbers. I won 1397 € !
Thank you so much. Regards,
Jerome’s testimony :
“Happy New Year to everyone, after having won 50 Euros in December, you have helped me win € 1306.40 Wednesday , luck is not only for everyone else, thanks again.”
Sylvie’s Testimony
Hello, Sylvie here, and I wanted to let you know that I got 4 lottery numbers this Monday June 10th which won me 1,704 Euros thanks to your system by playing with 10 Euros, and I wanted to thank you.
Jean-Luc’s testimony
“Hello !A quick note to say that I won the lottery on Saturday. Once with 4 number and another time with 3 number using the System 25 series 5. It’s a shame that I couldn’t have all 5.The numbers 9/22/23/42/45.Lucky number 8.In the game I had 9/22/23 and in the other I had 22/23/42/45. Shame because I didn’t have 5 winning with the lucky number, and no winning at number 5 either.Overall gain € 1884.10 Thanks !”
Testimony from Marie Thérèse
Free Lottery Systems That Work
The terrible mishap of Marie Thérèse at € 11 millions!
« I also wanted to tell you that I missed out on 11 millions euros on May 26thbecause I prepared my lotto (on Saturday May 31st, only one grid, with numbers: 3 – 8 – 32 – 39 – 40 and 1 as the Chance Number, for 2 weeks through the internet) from serie #1 of System 25. When I realized that it was released on May 26th (on my father’s birthday),I was pretty shaken upby it!!!! We could say that I took the numbers of May 26th and that I’ve played them on May 31st, but no, I did not look at the latest lotto drawings, and above all I would not lie to myself ! I just played 5 days late….I still got 2 numbers. So I simply wanted to say that I’ve almost hit the Jackpot, thanks to you. This is surely a way to tell me that it is coming…..the JACKPOT, and that your system works. »
How does the “System” work Powerball
The Idea that we have found is simple, we designed it for Powerball and Mega Millions! The concept of our system is the same for all lotteries. Below is a demonstration of how the system works, using Powerball as exemple.
With The System : It’s impossible to predict the Winning Numbers (that’s Luck). We said to ourselves, if we could choose 5 numbers, not only from the 69 usual numbers, but also from a “special set” of only 34 or 35 numbers, then automatically, we will have as much AS TWICE more chance of picking the right numbers !
If you choose 5 numbers out of 34 numbers rather than 69, you have 2 TIMES MORE CHANCE of picking the Winning Numbers! It’s hard to believe but it works!!!
The real advantage is based on the fact that our system is NOT based on luck. Any mathematician, regardless of where he comes from or even his era will attest to our system.“Choosing 5 numbers from 34 is as much AS TWICE MORE CHANCE than choosing from 69.” And that’s sure of being valuable for every draw.
This Diagram explains it better, see for yourself:
The fewer boxes there are to tick, the more chances we have of ticking the winning numbers.
It’s mathematics !
Of course you will play on the regular lottery play-slips. Our grids with 34 boxes are actually one series of 34 chosen numbers.
What does one of our series look like ?
The normal series of the Powerball starts like this1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 etc
One series from The System has 34/35 numbers : it looks like this 3-4-5-7-9-10-12 etc…
The ADVANTAGE that you will have with this system IS CONSIDERABLE! Your chances of picking the right numbers are DRAMATICALLY INCREASED! You will not bet like a normal player with this System! And that’s a considerable advantage!
For The System to be efficient, one series of 34 numbers must contain at least 4 winning numbers, and ideally 5 winning numbers. The System regularly contains 4 or 5 Winning Numbers! That’s Exceedingly Excellent !
With 4 or 5 winning numbers out of 34 numbers, you will have exactly DOUBLE MORE CHANCE of having checked the right numbers. Simply put it’s an enormous advantage, especially if there is $100 Millions or more to gain! (You will find all our results from the drawings below, to attest to this)
Being able to have as much AS TWICE MORE CHANCE of winning a Jackpot at 50 or 100 Millions of Dollars is one big advantage, right? Thanks to our experience with Euro Million, we’ve created special series of numbers for Powerball and Mega Millions, which gives Excellent Results! (see below for more details)
What can you do with $100 Millions ? Dream a bit with this win…
Testimony by Fabrice.
The Keno System is based on the same idea as the Powerball or Mega Millions System.
« Hello, Just to tell you that I absolutely love your system ! It is the first time that I have 7 numbers when playing Keno ! I’ve never had morethan 5 numbers ! But I have to say that I regularly have 5 numbers since using System 25 and that is the proof that your System is really good. For now at Keno Ibenefit from it…As to Loto and Euromillions, it’s crazy how I regularly have 3 good numbers ! Otherwise I am not that far from 4 numbers, I always check the number right next to it !
All that to tell you that I am very confident and hopefull that one day I will hit the jackpot with your system.
Sincerely, Fabrice »
And, Jerome won more after his taking of € 1,306 !
“Good evening It’s just to thank you for your services…..I am really happy to have discovered you site. Best luck for the future! I want to thank-you again in hopes that this continues.”
Is one series of 34 numbers enough ?
With the system, we have 10 valid series which regularly obtain at least 4 or 5 winning numbers in a single series.
Actually there are thousands of ways to make a series of 34 numbers, but we only had to develop a small number (10) which are very regular and have at least 4 or 5 good numbers in them. All the difficulty is there and it’s the choice of number from our series that makes it useful. Making a list of 34 numbers is very easy, but the fact that they REGULARLY are made up of Winning Numbers is another challenge !
The System that you will receive is composed of 2 modules of 10 series of numbers, one module for the Powerball and one for the Mega millions. It’s the optimal research of these numbers by the series which makes this system so worthwhile. You don’t need anything else, and you will choose, for yourself, your numbers from our series to make your grids.
Our system does not give you the numbers to play, but can as much as double up your chances of finding them ! That is a good goal to achieve !
The system is made up of 10 series of 34numbers
Example of a series
You get optimum results by playing one grid for each of our ten series. But, you can do it differently if you would like.
This is how to play and it’s very simple.
You use the 10 series of numbers and regular lottery play-slips, or online at the National Lottery website
In the first series, you choose 5 numbers, randomly !
And you use your 5 numbers, for example 2-10-38-48-55 ,on the official lottery ticket. Remember to pick the lucky numbers or stars, which are not supplied with this system.You will notice that it’s easier to tick the right numbers because you are only choosing from 34 numbers instead of 69.
The combination mentioned above, has led to a return of $ 1,000,000 to the bettors who used it. (This is without counting the lucky number, which can mean that you win the jackpot) 😉
Then, you do the same for all 10 series and that’s all!
Our system does the work and, according to the draw, you will have up to TWICE MORE CHANCE of ticking the right numbers! And even if you do it randomly.
It is this paradox that is surprising : it’s impossible to predict the right 5 numbers because chance cannot be predicted, but we still have to choose 5 ! So perhaps still do it randomly, but with MORE LUCK !
“ Good evening Dominique
I’m inviting myself into your conversation regarding your comment.I have been using the System 25 lotto and Euro Millions for 8 months
Since then I have won 12 times with 2 NUMBERS and 4 TIMES WITH 3 NUMBERS and once with 4 NUMBERS.
The system really works ! ”
Jean Luc
« Hello, just a quick note to let you know that I won the Saturday lottery , once with 4 numbers and once with 3 numbers with series 5 from the system
Total winnings €1884.10 thanks ! »
The System has an exceptionally good record of delivering positive results! (Take a look at the draws below)
When playing a grid at $1 or $2 per series, with a total of 10 grids at $1 or $2 each, you are going to increase your chances by up to double of picking the right numbers in at least one series, when using the system! This is simultaneously an inconvenience because you have to bet more money, but you have more chances to win. Because even for a small win with 4 numbers it is worth it! So for several Millions of Dollars it speaks for itself! (To be precise, Playing 10 normal grids is NOT the same as playing 10 grids with The System : in the normal game you always have to choose amongst 69 numbers, and 10 times in a row ! )
PROOF of Effectiveness of The “System”
Look at the results from the drawings, The System always contains, with exception, 4 or 5 winning numbers in the series! It means that this system works, and that you will have ticked at least one of the grids with an enormous advantage and, often, doubled your luck!
Please note: The lucky number or star numbers are not supplied
One of the series has at least …
Results updated with each draw, report as an indication only, except for the winners !
Imagine the moment….MAY 2018
Powerball draw date 23 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers…..$ 1 Million (or +)
Powerball draw date 19 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers + Ball…..$ 50,000
Powerball draw date 16 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers + Ball…..$ 50,000
Powerballdraw date 09 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers…..$ 1 Million (or +)
Powerballdraw date 05 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers + Ball…..$ 50,000
Powerballdraw date 02 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers + Ball…..$ 50,000
Mega Million draw date 29 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
Mega Milliondraw date 25 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
Mega Milliondraw date 22 may,2018.……..5 winning numbers…..$ 1 Million (or +)
Mega Milliondraw date 18 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
Mega Milliondraw date 15 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
Mega Milliondraw date 11 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
Mega Milliondraw date 08 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
Mega Milliondraw date 01 may, 2018….4 winning numbers + Ball….$ 10,000
For the next draw, will you play as usual or with MORE LUCK ?
Our SYSTEM is made up of a series of 34 SPECIALLY CHOSEN NUMBERS, with which you play the game as usual.
Here are 12 good reasons to use our System to play
The objectives are…
- To win with 4 or 5 numbers because it is easier, but also the Jackpot !
- A Win with 5 numbers is $ 1,000,000 in payout !!!
- To have a simple and reliable system for the play and for the draw.
- Winning with 2 to 3 numbers is nice, but it is not the goal!
- The System provides you, according to the draw, with up to double the chance of having checked the right numbers, which is simply huge!
- It is the only system, to our knowledge, to provide you with a real advantage for a Win with 5 numbers.
- The Powerball System is made up of 10 series of 34 or 35 numbers, specially elaborated to regularly contain 4 or 5 of the winning numbers.
- Another advantage, you can choose your numbers at random in the series; your chances of winning are identical!
- To use this System, simply consider one of our series of numbers, as you would on a regular play-slip. Pick 5 numbers as many times as you wish, just as you would on a real play-slip.
- You are playing over time. Great for you if you win the first time, but it is better to win $ 1 million next year than never!
- Reminder: 99% of players never win more than 3 numbers, and this, throughout their lifetime!
- Our System works! Our winners are here to prove it!
But Also….
- Everything is explained in details on the documents you will receive. And we are always here to answer any of your questions.
- Ease of payment: Pay in 1 or 2 times at no extra charge to you.
- The payment is completely secure through PayPal, first in the world in Internet sales.
- Download your System directly and immediately (see the diagram on the page when ordering).
- For security: We send you The System via email anyway within 48 hours, for those who are struggling with the download.
- Today our System is on exceptional promotion!!!
You can see the results ! It’s a good idea full of common sense and a bit of help from a someone gifted in gambling that is worth more than all the calculation software available !
It’s really a “great system”. No wizard, guru or “ultra-sophisticated” software. The advantage of our system is that is does NOT depend on luck.
- If you bet on the 10 series you will automatically have more chances of winning in 5 series, either for 3 number or 4 or 5 depending on the draw and the lottery. You will have more chances of winning on different rows ! It’s even easier to get a pay-out on at least a part of the bets.
The hardest thing was to get the numbers together, but we managed ! So we have a very simple system which works and doubles your chances of ticking the right numbers in the best case scenario !
We can’t tell you if you are going to win, but you will tick the grid with almost 2 TIMES MORE CHANCE OF WINNING than your neighbour !
Would you know what to do with one million dollars? With 10 ? With $ 80 millions ? While waiting you can get closer to the jackpot with our “The System”
Exceptional promotion !
Order The System TODAY for only $ 45.00
The System that you will receive is composedof 2 modules of 10 series of numbers for New Powerball (69 balls) and Mega Millions
Order it securely with PayPal (fully secure); Click the “Buy Now” button below. You will receive it in less than 48 hours by email => Please, remember to check in your Spam folder if you do not see our email in your inbox.
Ease of payment: Pay in 1 or 2 times at no extra charge to you.CLICK HERE
Testimony by Jean-Charles : » By the way I am taking this opportunity to tell you that your system works very well, even if up to now I don’t get past 3 numbers with 1 or 2 star numbers. I have never seen any systems that efficient. !!!
Best Regards Jean-Charles «
Excellent performance from our system for the lottery ! Take a look and see. You will have, depending on the number of Winning Numbers that the series contains, the chance to double up your luck of ticking 4 or 5 numbers.
“Knowing the right combination ahead of time is impossible. But getting UP TO TWICE MORE CHANCE of picking the right numbers is possible !”
The Lottery System For Charter Schools
Please note: The lucky number of star numbers are not supplied
The ”System ”Mega Millions + Powerball and only $ 45 !
Order it securely with PayPal (fully secure) Click the “Buy Now” button below. You will receive it in less than 48 hours by email
Ease of payment: Pay in 1 or 2 times at no extra charge to you.CLICK HERE
“Knowing the right combination ahead of time is impossible. But getting UP TO TWICE MORE CHANCE of picking the right numbers is possible!”
How to win the lottery ? The best way is to use our system !
Participating States:California, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, District of Columbia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Vermont, Oregon
PDF How to win Powerball
In 1994, Nicolas Cage’s character gave a waitress (played by Bridget Fonda)
half of a lottery ticket as a diner bill tip in the movie “It Could Happen to
You” and both of their lives are then changed in more ways than one.
In 2005, America was introduced to Jason Lee’s Earl Hickey whose $100,000
winning scratch-off ticket started a chain of events prompting him to change his
Karma in the popular TV show “My Name is Earl.”
These are fictional, of course, but every time you hear about a new lottery
winner, it’s like a fairytale coming true because life really can change in just
six numbers.
Nearly 100 countries around the world have some National Lottery program. In
the US, it’s run on the state-level in 44 out of 50 states plus the District of
Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
The US Lottery Since the 17th Century
Our modern day lottery started to take shape in 1963, but it has 300 years of
history in the relatively new country.
Back in the 17th century, the
first public-private lottery was held to support the new colony, helping to
fund the infrastructure including schools and bridges. In the 1820’s, a national
lottery competed with state lotteries with funds that were ear marked to help
establish the District of Columbia, but it also prompted Cohens v. Virginia, one
of the first battles over state’s rights.
Without going into all of the twists and turns on the road to the current
lottery system, suffice it to say that the US government outlawed lotteries in
1878. That decision was appealed in 1895, but in 1913, the government turned to
the income tax system as an alternative to a national lottery system.
The 60s prompted the re-emergence of an active state lottery program to
increase the individual tax bases with the primary intent of using the profits
for education. In the 70’s, Maryland set a new trend by producing the first scratch off
tickets, giving players an instant win possibility and the state an increase in
Usher in the mid-80s and the first modern day joint state program in Maine,
New Hampshire, and Vermont. In 1988, the Multi State Lottery Association (MUSL)
included Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oregon, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and DC as
charter members. The MUSL eventually transformed into the Powerball network that
we know today and every US location that offers state lottery issues Powerball
Mega Millions, the other big multi-state venture was initially called The Big
Game, and it’s also now in every location except Puerto Rico.
The Two Types of Lottery Tickets
Although each offers numerous variations in structure and payout
opportunities, the lottery boils down to two broad categories:
- The Draw
- The Instant Scratch-off
The drawing ticket is the original method and has been around for centuries.
It can best be compared to a keno card in a casino. The player has specific
numbers and needs to match those numbers to the ones selected in the random draw
to be a winner.
A typical state lottery game like Lotto will usually have six numbers that
need to be matched to get the top prize, but it gets a bit more complicated in a
higher odds, higher payout game like Power Ball. There are still six numbers on
the card, but they’re separated out into five numbers that need to be matched
and then a sixth that stands on its own and needs to be matched one on one.
Your card may have 07 12 16 26 29 and then the Powerball number
of 19. The Powerball number is drawn separately so if the draw is 07 16 19 26 29
and 12, you don’t win the top prize. That Powerball number (19 in our example)
needs to match up exactly to the drawn Powerball, so odds are even more against
the player.
Draw tickets usually start at daily drawings of just three to five numbers
but can be offered in many different formats. The biggest prizes are awarded
through the multi-state lottery system as opposed to instant wins.
The Instant Scratch-offs, although introduced in 1974, didn’t hit their
stride until the 1980s and now they’re everywhere with different buy-ins
starting at $1 and going up to $100 per ticket. They take on various themes, and
there can be multiple ways to win depending on the ticket.
Today’s tickets are much more interactive prompting players to take a few
minutes to play the game by matching up symbols or letters or playing a bingo
game on their ticket. Keeping players engaged has proven to keep them coming
back for more.
Although there hasn’t been a billion dollar scratch off prize (as yet),
scratch offs have been millionaire makers. A teen in Illinois received one of
the best birthday presents ever when she scratched off a
$4 million winning ticket in 2014. The top prize on that particular ticket
was $100 million, but we don’t think she was complaining.
The Lottery Can Pay Big
If you’ve played the lottery, you know that those small wins like two or
three dollars are entirely possible and very common. Depending on the
scratch-off ticket, your odds of winning can be as low as something like 1:3.
Taking a draw-type game like Powerball, though, and the odds are considerably
different. The lowest prize comes with 1 in 38 odds, and those lucky jackpot
winners beat odds of
1 in 292 million! Lucky is the operative word in this case.
Even winning a smaller but substantial amount like $50,000 comes in at 1 in
913,000 so, don’t quit your day job based on a $2 ticket until you’re 100% sure
of the outcome.
Record-Setting Wins
biggest lottery win to date was issued through a US Powerball drawing in
2016 when 1.6 billion dollars was split between three winning tickets. One of
the winners opted to take their $528.8 million share as a lump sum payment of
$327.8 million. Not too bad for just one-third of the prize pool.
In 2013, an 84-year-old player from Florida claimed the one single prize of
$590.5 million from her lucky Powerball ticket.
Mega Millions came in close in 2016 providing one lucky Indiana winner with a
$540 million grand prize.
The Wave Lottery System
When you compare
lottery wins around the world, the United States claims the top ten spots in
the overall rankings. Europe’s largest jackpot in the EuroMillions lottery takes
number 11 its 183.5 million Euro prize claimed.
The State-Run Lotteries
Although Powerball and Mega Millions are multi-state ventures, the lottery in
the US is set up and run individually by each state.
- Arizona –
- Arkansas –
- California –
- Colorado –
- Connecticut –
- Delaware –
- District of Columbia –
- Florida –
- Georgia –
- Idaho –
- Illinois –
- Indiana –
- Iowa –
- Kansas –
- Kentucky –
- Louisiana –
- Maine –
- Maryland –
- Massachusetts –
- Michigan –
- Minnesota –
- Missouri –
- Montana –
- Nebraska –
- New Hampshire –
- New Jersey –
- New Mexico –
- New York –
- North Carolina – - North Dakota –
- Ohio –
- Oklahoma –
- Oregon –
- Pennsylvania –
- Puerto Rico –
- Rhode Island –
- South Carolina –
- South Dakota –
- Tennessee –
- US Virgin Islands –
- Vermont –
- Virginia –
- Washington –
- West Virginia –
- Wisconsin –
Get Your Tickets
As long as you live in a state that offers the lottery, you have access to
tickets in most supermarkets, convenience stores, and gas stations. You can
purchase from the counter, or many retail locations now have an automated
machine that works like a regular vending machine. Put your cash in and make
your selection.
You have to figure that with our lives so much in the virtual realm that the
lottery would follow and it does… For the most part.
Georgia and Illinois offer an online purchase program right from their
primary lottery sites. In California, a paid service like Lotto Gopher will take care
of online purchases for players for $12 a month or $99 per year, but that
doesn’t include the tickets.
Some online casinos now offer lottery play based on the biggest programs
around the world, including the US, and there are also websites dedicated to
providing lottery tickets from the US and other countries like Australia,
Canada, Italy, the UK, and many others. The Lotter
is one of the online services, and they charge a service fee for each purchase
but do not receive a cut of any winnings. If you initiate a purchase, you get a
scanned copy of your ticket for verification.
Lump Sum or Annuity
You may have run through the scenario in your head before. If you won a
multi-million dollar lottery prize, what would you do? Would you take it all at
once or would you spread it out for several years guaranteeing a nice check
every year?
There are different schools of thought, and there isn’t a straightforward
answer to the question.
When you consider everything, it’s possible that you could end up with a
higher net payout by spreading out the payments over 30 years as an annuity.
However, it all depends on the tax situation remaining the same as it is today.
Major tax increases in the future will affect those subsequent annual issues.
When the
numbers were run based on a $400 million dollar win, taking a lump sum
payout at today’s current US tax rate, they resulted in an estimated payout of
$223.6 million dollars.
Take the same win and extend it out over 30 years and the result was an
estimated net payout (after taxes) of $242.9 million. However, that’s assuming
that nothing will change over 30 years and that’s a pretty big assumption. It
could go either way, and you could end up with an even better result, or the tax
situation could take a turn for the worse, and you could end up lower than the
lump sum settlement.

Some Interesting Facts
- 10% of all Powerball winners have been from the State of Indiana.
- The odds of winning both the Powerball and the Mega Millions’ top prizes are
one in 75 quadrillion (that’s 15 zeros!). - Odds of winning Mega Millions are 1 in 285 million. The odds of getting
struck by lightning? 1 in 13,500. - The North American Lottery Business is a $70 billion dollar a year business.
The Lottery takes a different shape in Stockholm Sweden with the “Speed
Camera Lottery.” The camera takes photos of all cars, both the speeders and
the ones obeying the limit. The law abiders are all entered into a drawing with
one license plate drawn at random. The owner of that car receives a percentage
of the speeding ticket pool from the drivers who were cited. In this case, the
player without the ticket is the lucky one!
It’s fun to dream about it and much more fun to realize it, but those big
lottery jackpots are few and far between. Don’t forget about all of the people
who are taking home $1,000, $10,000 or $50,000, though. Those secondary prizes
may not make you a millionaire, but they can be pretty darn exciting to claim.
Odds, Strategy, Payouts… Lottery Questions
Where Does the Money Go?
In the US, it’s assumed that most of the profits go toward
funding education, but that’s not exactly accurate as it varies per state.
There are several locations where education is the primary focus but in
Pennsylvania, it goes toward programs for the elderly, and in Wisconsin,
property tax reductions are the main focus. There are also some states that
funnel it into the state budget without clear guidelines for appropriation.
Who Pays out the Winnings?
In the US, the Comptroller in each state handles the payouts of the top
prizes. Anything in the $500 range or lower can be issued at the same retail
locations where you purchase the tickets.
Is the Jackpot Paid out All at Once?
Those fortunate big winners get the choice of deciding between a lump sum
payout or taking annual payments usually for 30 years. Some winners don’t come
forward until they’ve researched their options with an attorney or financial
planner first.
Is There a Strategy to Better the Odds With Scratch Off Tickets?
If there were a clear cut way to get in on big money, we’d all be doing it,
but there are a few different strategies that have been known to at least
slightly better the odds.
For Scratch Offs, There Are Two Tips:
Check the Overall Odds on the Back of the Ticket
Higher priced tickets typically come with better odds. To illustrate, we’ll use two
Texas Lottery scratch tickets. One is the $1.00 Lucky Symbols, and the other is
the $20 Instant Millionaire.
$1.00 – Top prize $3,000 (19 available); Lowest prize $1 (867,734 available.
Odds in winning 1 in 4.84
$20.00 – Top Prize $2,500,000 (ten available); Lowest prize $20 (3,704,307
Odds in winning 1 in 3.20
Pick One Game and Stay a While
Buy ten scratch offs in a row rather than one offs of multiple games. Again,
not a guaranteed move, but your odds should be at least slightly better.
What About a Strategy for Lottery Draws?
Mathematicians have looked at formulas, lottery winners have shared their
systems, and everyone seems to have their method for playing for the elusive
millionaire-making prizes. There have been more winners from a quick pick ticket
than from playing the same numbers or selecting numbers with each ticket, but
that’s because more players opt for the quick pick, so the odds already tip in
that direction.
How To Beat The Lottery System
The following are some suggestions that could slightly move the odds in your
Play Games With Second Chance Drawings
Some tickets like Super
Lotto Plus have second chance games that will better your odds by putting you in
the running twice.
How Did The Lottery System Work
Select a Combination of Odd and Even Numbers
Whereas three odd and three even numbers are drawn an average of one out of three times,
zero odd and seven even come out once every 106 times.
Join a Lottery Pool
You don’t have a group that’s
interested, no worries, you can join one online. There are lottery syndicate
sites that allow you to buy-in with a group so you can get in on more action for
a lower investment. Yes, you have to share, but 10% of $100 million is better
than 100% of nothing should you happen to get lucky, right?
Find International Games With Better Oodds
The internet
allows us to play the lottery around the world now so; a little research may pay
off… literally. For example, Australia’s Powerball has 1 in 6.3 million odds
as opposed to the US’s with 1 in 292 million.
Track the Past Numbers That Have Been Coming Out Consistently and Combine Them.
That’s a tip from a real lottery winner. There is
more to his system, but that’s the basic premise and, hey, he’s got millions in
the bank so it may be worth a shot.