What Is Slow Rolling In Texas Holdem
- Texas Hold Em Poker Strategy

- Slow Roll To delay revealing a strong (likely winning) hand at showdown in an attempt to force other players to show their hands first. Whether done intentionally or not, slow rolling is considered.
- This is a discussion on Slow Roll as posturing or an integral part of the game within the online poker forums, in the Tournament Poker section; Slow Roll is an indecent act in the poker community.
A bet made after the flop by the player who took the lead in betting before the flop (Texas hold 'em and Omaha hold 'em). Also called a c-bet. Also called a c-bet. Compare with probe bet. A Boring Dresser Gets an Epic Suitcase Makeover. Don't you just love those pictures of vintage suitcases stacked one on top of the other.
Our discussion of Texas Hold Em Deep Stack Poker Strategy explains the ways that you need to modify your play when you are playing Deep Stack Texas Hold Em.
When stack sizes are very large, poker strategy can vary significantly from what is generally considered good strategy due to the nature of these oversized stacks. Good poker strategy is heavily dependent on stack sizes.
What is considered good strategy in one scenario may be considered terrible strategy in another, based exclusively on the stack sizes in play.
Texas Hold Em is considered to be played with a deep stack when players have a stack that is around 200 times the big blind. Deep Stack Poker Tournaments give poker players more starting chips to begin the tournament with when compared to regular tournaments.
Deep Stack Cash Games are generally rare online, but can occur when a few players at the table have made money and their stack size has grown above the 100x BB standard buy-in.
Our discussion of Deep Stack Poker Strategy will focus on the early stages of Deep Stack Poker Tournaments and Cash Games that have become deep.
Deep Stack Tournaments have become popular for two reasons. With a deeper starting stack, a player will get to see more hands and have more chips to play with. This scenario favours the skilled player as deeper stacks reduce the variance involved and the luck factor.
The other reason deep stacks are becoming popular in the tournament format is that they give a player more bang for their buck – with more starting chips, you get to play more poker for the same buy-in amount.
With a deep stack, the blinds are relatively small given your stack size, so time is on your side and there is no pressure to act brashly. This also means that since you have these extra chips, you can play a few more hands to try to pick up some small pots or to flop a monster hand and play a big pot.
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Splashing around a bit won’t damage your starting stack if things don’t go your way early, so it is safe to do – once you do not become carried away and over-commit yourself in a bad situation. If you want to splash around, you also need to know when to bail!
While you do want to win chips, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you will have a lot of chips in your stack compared to the size of the pot, so you don’t want to over-commit yourself without a strong hand.
With deep stacks, implied odds begin to take precedence over pot odds. This is because the stacks are very deep compared to the pot, so the real money to be won is the money in your opponent’s stack and not the money that is already in the pot.
Texas Hold Em Deep Stack Poker Strategy favours small pocket pairs and suited connectors since both can flop the monster hands that you want to be holding when all the chips go into the middle.
Also, big face card hands that flop you one pair hands tend to go down in value with deep stacks as these hands will only win you small pots and lose you large ones if you go all the way with them. Big pocket pairs are still very valuable, especially pre flop, but post flop, when the heat is on, you may be forced to make a big laydown.
In addition, since implied odds are now very important, it may make sense to call a pot sized bet with a well disguised gutshot straight draw if you know that your opponent has a strong hand and that you can win all his chips if you hit your hand.
In reverse, other players will be going for long shot draws. You need to keep this in mind when what appears to be a blank card hits, but you opponent is now playing like he has the stone cold nuts.
As Deep Stack Poker Tournaments progress and the blinds become larger relative to your stack size, then you will need to adjust back to normal poker strategy as you will no longer be playing with a deep stack.
Texas Hold Em Deep Stack Poker Strategy can be very different from normal poker strategy and you need to adjust your game given these conditions. It is important to understand why deep stack poker plays differently and the reasons why.
Once you have an understanding as to the change in the game, then you are better able to think about the correct Deep Stack Poker Strategy.
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In poker, a freeroll tournament is a tournament with no entry fee, and a freeroll hand is where a player is guaranteed to at least split the pot with his opponent, with a chance they can win the whole pot if certain final cards are dealt.
Freeroll hand[edit]
In playing a particular hand of poker, a freeroll is a situation that arises (usually when only two players remain) before the last card has been dealt, in which one player is guaranteed to at least split the pot with his opponent no matter what the final cards are, but where there is some chance he can win the whole pot if certain final cards are dealt. This most commonly occurs in a high-low split game where one player knows that he has a guaranteed low hand made, his opponent cannot make a better low no matter what the last card is, but the player who is low might possibly catch a lucky card that gives him a straight or flush, winning high as well.
Here's an example from Texas hold'em: Angie holds K♣10♣, and Burt holds K♥10♥. After the fourth card is dealt, the board is A♣Q♦J♥4♣. Both players have an ace-high straight, the current nut hand, and so they will most likely split the pot. But if the final card happens to be a club, Burt's straight will lose to Angie's flush. There is no other possible final card that will give Burt more than a straight; only Angie can improve, so she is freerolling Burt.
If a player knows he has a freeroll, he can raise the pot with impunity, and often a less-skilled opponent with a good hand who does not realize that he is on the wrong end of the freeroll will continue to put in raises with no possible hope of gain.

Freeroll tournament[edit]
A freeroll tournament is a tournament with no entry fee, although some freerolls require a payment at some point to gain entry to the tournament.
In a typical pay-to-play tournament, the prize pool consists of an accumulation of the entry fees minus a 'fee' which is retained by the house. In a freeroll (at least from the players' perspective) the prize pool is essentially a 'donation' provided by the house. Of course, in most freerolls the house is able defray a significant portion of the prize pool (or even turn a profit) by charging for food and beverages, sponsorship fees, admission to spectators, broadcast rights fees, or any combination of these. Sometimes a particular cardroom or casino (either traditional or online) will offer a freeroll tournament to frequent players. Invitation-only tournaments are frequently freerolls.
Freerolls at Internet poker sites should not be confused with their close counterpart -- play money tournaments. Freerolls are different from play-money tournaments in two respects. Play money tournaments usually require the 'payment' of play money and the tournament winnings are play money. Freeroll tournaments can be genuinely free, may require a payment of points (from a point system developed by the site), or on some occasions require a deposit of funds into the player's account. The winnings are either real money, points, merchandise or entry tickets (invitations) to other tournaments.
Most if not all Internet poker sites have freeroll tournaments although in many cases require a payment of points to play. These points typically can only be earned by paying and playing real money hands which in essence is a payment required to play their 'freerolls' and therefore a loose use of the term 'freeroll'. There are Internet sites that allow playing in freerolls without payment of any kind and with the chance to win real money.
It is not unusual to pay to play in a feeder tournament that gives the winner(s) a free entry to another tournament but it is debatable whether these second level tournaments can be called 'freerolls', since they require a buy-in, albeit smaller than the major tournament one. More often, such tournaments are called 'satellites'. This format is typical of freeroll tournaments both on the Internet and in the 'brick and mortar' sites.
The Professional Poker Tour is one such 'freeroll', with entrants being required to qualify through their results in previous tournaments. Sponsorship and broadcast-rights fees fund the prize pools.
What Is Slow Rolling In Texas Holdem Game
Freeroll tournaments are not exclusive to poker. Casinos frequently offer them to frequent and/or high-value players in games such as craps, blackjack, video poker and slot machines.
Origin of the term[edit]
Many believe the term comes from early 1950s Las Vegas, when guests would often be given a 'free roll' of nickels to play at the slot machines upon check-in. Guests would often ask for their 'free rolls' and the words became fused together and expanded to mean any complimentary gaming bonus.