Winning Keno Patterns

Massachusetts Lottery's official game catalog.

Check the latest Keno winning numbers here on There are thousands of Keno winners every day in BC. With the live draws happening every 3:30 minutes you could win up to $200,000. (1) The first thing all keno players need to do is buy a game card. You can do this at any of our approved online. (2) You’ll then need to pick your lucky numbers. How many you pick, and how many you need to win will depend on the. (3) Decide how much money.

We have combined all strategies into one to give you the
best analytics to make money.

Bonus Information

Shows the percentage deviation for each bonus type along with the amount of occurences of each bonus type. Allows for user-defined number of draws to show deviations and occurences. Use this to predict if you should play the bonus or not.

Hot/Cold Chart

Shows the number of times a number has appeared in the last hour. Allows for user-defined selection of number of draws to see the data from the last game to one year. Tendency is that hot numbers will go on 'runs' so it is good to play the recently hot numbers.

Overdue Numbers

Shows the number of games a number has not appeared and how many games it has been since the number has last appeared. This is definitely one of my favorites!

Time of Day Occurences

Allows the user to select the time of day (by hour) and show the number of times a number has appeared between that hour over the last month. This is one of our newest additions that seems interesting. Again, play the hotter numbers here.

User-Defined Combinations

Allows user to select the amount of combinations and will show the number of times that combination has appeared over a defined number of games. See how may times your favorite numbers have appeared!

'What-If' Bets

Allows user to see how much money they would have won/lost if betting a combination over the past defined number of games. How much would you have won or lost playing your numbers?

Column Occurences

Shows how many times numbers in a column have occurred. For example, how many sixes occurred per game (that is: 06-16-26-36-46-56-66-76).

Row Occurences


Shows how many times numbers in a row have occurred. For example, how many consecutive numbers per row occurred per game (that is: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10).

Quadrant Occurences

Shows how many times numbers in a quadrant have occurred. There are four quadrants, upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right.

Repeating Number Data

Winning Video Keno Patterns

See how many numbers are repeating from game to game. This was a report requested by one of our users. He has noticed a pattern that numbers are repeating more than average. I have looked at the statistics and I think he may be on to something.


Repeating Number Occurences

See how many numbers are repeating from game to game. This was a report requested by one of our users. This shows how many times a number has come up back-to-back withing a specific number of games.

Last Hour Checkmarks

Shows how many times numbers each number has come out in hte last hour by a checkered grid.

Single Number Charts

See how many times a number has come up over the past 8 hours in a line chart similar to a stock market chart. Then we make recommendations on whether or not you should be playing the number based upon the number tendencies.

Winning Keno Patterns

Number Combination Hot/Cold Chart

Shows the number of times a number has appeared in the last N Games. Allows for user-defined selection of number of draws to see the data from the last game to one year. Allows you to see how many times combinations of numbers have appeared together by drilling down number by number.


Show the number of times (for today) that the following combinations have occurred: Odds/Evens, Top 40/Bottom 40, 4-Quadrants, Columns and Rows. All of this in one view!

One of the interesting facets of playing Four Card Keno (as well as multi-card keno) is placing one pattern of numbers “within” another pattern of numbers.

For instance, you might mark a 7-spot ticket inside a 10-spot ticket.

Obviously, the hope is to catch a multiple jackpot if and when your numbers land in your “cluster.”

Lately, I’ve been taking some 7-spot patterns, and overlapping them inside 9-spot patterns, with some good early results.

Using this method over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been able to catch several 6-of-7 jackpots, often coupled with a 7-of-9 payoff. I’m thinking (and hoping) that it’s just a matter of time before I catch the brass ring – a solid 7-spot to go along with an 8-of-9 jackpot (or better!).

For instance, it has always been one of my favorite patterns to play 9-spot patterns consisting of the two-by-eight box (1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) along with the orphan, 3, and then repeating the pattern in a mirror-image below the center line (41, 42, 51, 52, 61, 62, 71, 72) with the orphan, 73.

However, instead of playing the 9-spot, I would create four 7-spot patterns as follows:

• 1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22 and the 3

• 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32 and the 33

• 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 and the 2

• 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 and the 32


Now, I just happen to pick these patterns because they’re easy to remember and re-draw, which comes in handy with frequent “re-setting” of the machine (cashing in and out frequently).

I’m sure you can experiment with other patterns, remembering that consistency is key.

I’ve been coming close when putting a couple of 7-spots inside of a 9-spot. For instance, I would catch 6-of-7 which often times accompanied hitting a 7-of-9. I’ve yet to hit a solid 7-spot coupled with an 8-of-9 jackpot.

In past columns I’ve depicted several ways of marking such a “seven within a nine” card, including taking the entire column plus an orphan (for the 9-spot) while marking a 7-spot within those nine numbers.

Winning Keno Patterns

It’s always nice when the numbers cluster into your pattern.

Winning Video Keno Patterns

Of course, because you’re concentrating a lot of your eggs in one basket, you might have to play longer, but when the numbers come around, the payoff can be astronomical.

Let me know if you have any “patterns within a pattern” that have paid off well for you!

Winning Keno Patterns Playing Seven Numbers

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